Google Ads is a digital advertising platform developed by Google to help companies promote ads, services, product catalogs and videos online. The ads appear in search results, on web pages, in mobile apps and in videos. Advertisers bid on specific keywords in Google Ads for clickable ads to appear in a specific location online.

Google Ads is a versatile and flexible way to advertise because visibility can be achieved anywhere on the internet.

Google Ads is all about targeting the right audience with the right keywords. Remember that Google Ads is about bidding for keywords. Note that these are very useful and will lead toconversion,

How do you go about reaching the right target audience?

According to several advertising agencies, many people waste money on keywords that do not lead to conversions, as much as 76%. It also turns out that only 6% of these keywords in a regular Google Ads account have converted, whether it's filling out a form, phone calls, website visits, chat, etc.

The importance of choosing the right keywords cannot be stressed enough. Since the B2B landscape is made up of companies and individuals with influence and purchasing power, it is a good idea to use informative and accurate keywords that get to the core.

Google allows you to customize your ad based on parameters other than just keywords, like these examples:

● Ad location such as Google search results and web pages such as LinkedIn

● Age, geographical location, spoken language of potential customers

● The days, time and frequency at which the ads appear

● Devices

B2B marketers can use Google Ads to control their ad spend because they can choose to only be billed for ad clicks. You have the ability to identify successful practices because you find out every time someone has clicked on the ad and performed other activities such as visiting your website and asking for a consultation.There is also the possibility to use analytics tools to learn more about your prospect's business habits. Take the opportunity to evaluate which ads actually worked and which ones performed best.

Google Ads offers user-friendly tools to manage and view your accounts. For example, you can manage multiple Google Ads accounts, which digital marketers often do. Then a “MyClient Center” (MMC) can help you save time because you can quickly view and administer all your accounts in one place.

Google Ads is a great tool for B2B when you want to increase your digital presence and then start conversations and generate ads for your business.