By creating sharp text content on the web, you increase your online visibility and gain the trust of your customers. But how do you write the ultimate article that stands out in the noise? Writing is a craft that can always be improved. We've put together a few tips on how you can write for the web.

Text tip 1: Arise interest!

You don't have many seconds to catch the reader's interest and so the introduction/preamble must be strong. Make it interesting and summarize what the article should be about in brief. Now it's time to bake in the primary keyword for the first time.

Text Type 2: Get Structure

Uses headings for each topic, a so-called H2, to guide the reader through the text. Some of the paragraphs may be divided into sub-headings, H3s, so that the subject is boiled down to something even more concrete. Try to use the keyword in as many headlines as possible without making it look forced.

One way to clarify facts or other conclusions is to make bulleted lists. It is enough about 2-3 bulleted lists in an article of about 1000 words.

Text Type 3: Finish Neatly

At the end of the article it is time to tie the sack together with a good summary. In inbound marketing, the job of the article (content) is to drive traffic and create value. If you have managed to arouse the interest of the reader, we advise you to turn it into a converting customer by finishing with a strong call-to-action. Repeat your offer. Tell us how the company can solve the problem that the person was trying to solve when they clicked on the article.

At the bottom of the page, below the article, you can post linked article suggestions that lead the visitor to more parts of the site. Then you have a chance to make an even better impression. This brings the customer one step closer to conversion.

Text type 4: Think airy and easy to read

The line break key is your best friend when writing texts for the web. That's because the texts are mostly read on small screens, ranging from toads to mobiles. In order for the reader not to lose speed, it is important to bake in plenty of air between the lines of text. This is because they do not read each word separately, but scan the text in circular motions. Be sure to spice up the text with important key sentences and keywords that pique the reader's interest. Highlight a term in bold or write in italics to reinforce certain points.

Skriv kort. That's because the reader is in a hurry and reads on a smaller screen. Give them a chance to stop and think. No one appreciates someone who only talks about exhalation, do they?

Between a few paragraphs, you can break off with an illustration, photo or other graphic. It also makes the article more airy. One way to gain fluency in the text is to use professional transitional words. Some of these are:

With that said...

  • Have I used credible sources?
  • Could I have used a better Swedish word instead of an English one?
  • Did I spell names and concepts correctly?
  • Have I done a solid link building - i.e. linked to other articles on the site in the text?
  • Are there double spaces, strange line breaks, or dots in the wrong places?
  • Am I consistent in my formatting?

Text Type 5: Proofread Properly

Once you've written your text, it's time for editing. Do not do it right away, but feel free to wait a couple of hours and preferably until the next day. One way to detect small errors is to read the text aloud, because you also slow down the reading tempo and detect careless errors more easily. Eliminate unnecessary filler words and excessively long harangues. Also consider the following:

  • Have I used credible sources?
  • Could I have used a better Swedish word instead of an English one?
  • Did I spell names and concepts correctly?
  • Have I done a solid link building - i.e. linked to other articles on the site in the text?
  • Are there double spaces, strange line breaks, or dots in the wrong places?
  • Am I consistent in my formatting?

Do you want to optimize your texts? LAPS fixes the site!

Are you looking to scale up your inbound marketing business? Now that you've learned more about writing for the web, LAPS is ready if you want to launch or optimize your website. We use Webflow to develop sharp landing pages. A handy tool where you can embed your texts and make them clear, stylish and easy to navigate for publication. Creativity and strategy in one.